1. Create separate folders for each of your budget categories:
Gross Receipts or Sales
Can be broken down by client or type of income
Cost of Good Sold
Purchases less cost of items withdrawn for personal use
Cost of Labor (not to yourself)
Materials & Supplies
Other Costs
Car & Truck
Commissions & Fees
Contract Labor
Employee benefit programs
Insurance (other than health)
Mortgage (paid to banks)
Legal & Professional Services
Office expense
Pension & Profit-sharing plans
Rent or lease
Vehicles, Machinery & Equipment
Other business property
Repairs & Maintenance
Taxes & Licenses
Travel, Meals & Entertainment
Other; itemize by category
Business use of your home
2. Inside the Folders you will be creating tabs to separate the sub-categories:
3. Keep a daily calendar; note who you see, why, & mileage. A week at a glance is very helpful for planning purposes.
4. Save ALL of your receipts. Note on them why purchased & to which job the item relates. Keep in daily envelope
till entered into your bookkeeping then place in a monthly envelope.
5. Be sure to keep in savings at least 1 month of future expense total. Long term savings will be 1 year of future expenses
based upon your past average monthly expenses.
6. Keep a complete list of clients including name, address & contact phone numbers/email addresses. Keep a similar
list of vendors.
7. Contact a leasing company to determine if there will be a savings in employee benefits ie: insurance, retirement,
workman's compensation.
For Answers to your questions:
Business Expenses
Forms: 2106 Employee Business Expenses
Publications: 15 Employer Tax Guide
334 Tax Guide for Small Business
463 Travel, Entertainment, Gift & Car Expense
Business Expenses
Free Tax Guide
4591 Source of Information